Algorithm Benefits

How Medical Algorithms Can Improve Doctor Patient Communication


I saw it every day while in medical school and residency; attending physicians cowered behind a computer screen, attempting [...]

How Medical Algorithms Can Improve Doctor Patient Communication2025-02-22T12:45:48+08:00

Case Study: Surgical Site Infection: Methods of Prevention & Tools for Predicting Risk


Medical History A 55-year-old white male has degenerative arthritis of the knees. 10 months ago, the patient underwent total [...]

Case Study: Surgical Site Infection: Methods of Prevention & Tools for Predicting Risk2025-02-22T12:50:10+08:00

Using Medical Algorithms as Clinical Prediction Tools


Advances in medicine bring new imaging, technologies, medications, and the desire to have better prediction models for clinical outcomes. [...]

Using Medical Algorithms as Clinical Prediction Tools2025-02-22T12:56:43+08:00

Precision Medicine Initiative & Medical Algorithms: Looking to the Future


First receiving mention a few years ago, precision medicine, has entered the spotlight with a request for $215 million [...]

Precision Medicine Initiative & Medical Algorithms: Looking to the Future2025-02-22T12:53:37+08:00

How to Practice Evidence Based Healthcare in Clinical Settings


As physicians, we recognize the importance of evidence based healthcare.  Having  evidence to back up our decisions strengthens our assessments [...]

How to Practice Evidence Based Healthcare in Clinical Settings2025-02-22T13:01:02+08:00

Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical Algorithms


Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical Algorithms While open relationships can be problematic, [...]

Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical Algorithms2025-02-22T12:36:09+08:00

Population Health Strategies, Medical Algorithms, and You


Is population health the future of healthcare? Physicians are told population health strategies will solve many of our current [...]

Population Health Strategies, Medical Algorithms, and You2025-02-22T12:48:09+08:00

How Physicians Can Expand Their Clinical Knowledge Base


Starting in medical school, students must learn how to quickly and successfully search through thousands of easily accessible research [...]

How Physicians Can Expand Their Clinical Knowledge Base2025-02-22T12:56:21+08:00

Your Knowledge, the Right Tool, a Better Outcome…How Medical Treatment Algorithms are Shaping Modern Physicians


Remember back in the prehistoric days before the Internet? Before Facebook, before Google, before smartphones? When you needed to [...]

Your Knowledge, the Right Tool, a Better Outcome…How Medical Treatment Algorithms are Shaping Modern Physicians2025-02-22T12:38:22+08:00

Diagnosing Rare Diseases Disorders with Medical Algorithms


Primary care physicians often have the unique task of deciding whether a patient who presents with an uncommon constellation [...]

Diagnosing Rare Diseases Disorders with Medical Algorithms2025-02-22T12:49:35+08:00

10 Basic Rules for Clinical Algorithm Development


Keeping an Eye on the Prize: 10 Basic Rules for Clinical Algorithm Development While at the HIMSS16 conference last week in [...]

10 Basic Rules for Clinical Algorithm Development2017-03-07T10:55:51+08:00

Can Medical Algorithms Help to Reduce Telemedicine Liability?


Telemedicine has come a long way over the past 20 years. Modern technology has made it accessible to an [...]

Can Medical Algorithms Help to Reduce Telemedicine Liability?2022-01-26T23:33:07+08:00

Utilizing Medical Algorithms to Think Like A Doctor: Scurvy Case


Summary and response to the New York Times Well article: Think Like A Doctor: Limping Along We present a [...]

Utilizing Medical Algorithms to Think Like A Doctor: Scurvy Case2022-01-27T13:50:37+08:00

How Medical Algorithms Are Used in Clinical Trial Design


Clinical trials play an important role in evidence-based medicine. It is necessary to know how a therapy performs under [...]

How Medical Algorithms Are Used in Clinical Trial Design2022-01-27T14:28:15+08:00

Embracing Disruptive Information Technologies in Healthcare


Some aspects of medicine have not changed very much over the centuries. As new decision support systems become available [...]

Embracing Disruptive Information Technologies in Healthcare2016-12-15T09:58:15+08:00

Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare with Automated Medical Algorithms


In September, 2015, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report titled Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. This report [...]

Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare with Automated Medical Algorithms2016-12-15T09:32:11+08:00

Why MedalPacks? Automated Medical Calculator Collections


A medical algorithm (medical calculator) that is used by itself can solve a specific problem. However, medical algorithms must [...]

Why MedalPacks? Automated Medical Calculator Collections2016-12-15T10:04:49+08:00

7 Medical Algorithms to Use with Apple ResearchKit Apps


“In March, 2015, Apple released an open source software framework designed for medical and health research, helping doctors and [...]

7 Medical Algorithms to Use with Apple ResearchKit Apps2016-12-15T09:33:53+08:00

How Automated Medical Algorithms Can Improve Patient Safety


GA Miller studied the limits of human cognition. He found that the number of discrete items that a person [...]

How Automated Medical Algorithms Can Improve Patient Safety2016-12-15T09:36:39+08:00

Congestive Chart Failure and Electronic Health Record Systems


Years ago you could find patient charts on the oncology or transplant service that were a foot thick or [...]

Congestive Chart Failure and Electronic Health Record Systems2016-12-15T10:05:31+08:00

Risks to Patient Safety: Calculating Algorithms by Hand


While medical algorithms can be valuable decision support tools, calculating them by hand can bite you. With hand calculations, [...]

Risks to Patient Safety: Calculating Algorithms by Hand2016-12-15T09:47:50+08:00