Medical Education

Do Computers Have to Interfere with Doctor Patient Relationships?


Do Computers Have to Interfere with Doctor Patient Relationships? The relationship between the doctor and patient is at the [...]

Do Computers Have to Interfere with Doctor Patient Relationships?2025-02-22T12:50:31+08:00

How Physicians Can Expand Their Clinical Knowledge Base


Starting in medical school, students must learn how to quickly and successfully search through thousands of easily accessible research [...]

How Physicians Can Expand Their Clinical Knowledge Base2025-02-22T12:56:21+08:00

5 Medical Calculators to Assist Students on Neurology Rotations


For many medical students, learning about neurology and incorporating textbook information into clinical practice can be difficult. Use of [...]

5 Medical Calculators to Assist Students on Neurology Rotations2022-01-26T22:47:15+08:00