Patient Safety

Case Study: Surgical Site Infection: Methods of Prevention & Tools for Predicting Risk


Medical History A 55-year-old white male has degenerative arthritis of the knees. 10 months ago, the patient underwent total [...]

Case Study: Surgical Site Infection: Methods of Prevention & Tools for Predicting Risk2025-02-22T12:50:10+08:00

Fall Prevention in the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Populations


Without gravity there would be no falls. Falls are a major cause of accidental trauma throughout one's life. Often [...]

Fall Prevention in the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Populations2025-02-22T12:45:00+08:00

Holiday Stress Management and Medical Issues – Thanksgiving, Christmas


Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for many Americans, with an abundance of family, friends, food and football. However, for [...]

Holiday Stress Management and Medical Issues – Thanksgiving, Christmas2022-01-17T14:00:54+08:00

Much To Do About Tattoos: Tattoo Infections & Other Risks


Last month the FDA updated its Consumer Report "Think Before You Ink" which outlines some of the adverse effects [...]

Much To Do About Tattoos: Tattoo Infections & Other Risks2022-01-18T13:52:44+08:00

Many Faces of Sepsis (4): Sepsis Criteria for Vulnerable Patients


Some patients may be more prone to sepsis than others, often because of a defect in their host defenses. [...]

Many Faces of Sepsis (4): Sepsis Criteria for Vulnerable Patients2022-01-25T20:39:32+08:00

Can Medical Algorithms Help to Reduce Telemedicine Liability?


Telemedicine has come a long way over the past 20 years. Modern technology has made it accessible to an [...]

Can Medical Algorithms Help to Reduce Telemedicine Liability?2022-01-26T23:33:07+08:00

How Medical Algorithms Are Used in Clinical Trial Design


Clinical trials play an important role in evidence-based medicine. It is necessary to know how a therapy performs under [...]

How Medical Algorithms Are Used in Clinical Trial Design2022-01-27T14:28:15+08:00

Why MedalPacks? Automated Medical Calculator Collections


A medical algorithm (medical calculator) that is used by itself can solve a specific problem. However, medical algorithms must [...]

Why MedalPacks? Automated Medical Calculator Collections2016-12-15T10:04:49+08:00

How Automated Medical Algorithms Can Improve Patient Safety


GA Miller studied the limits of human cognition. He found that the number of discrete items that a person [...]

How Automated Medical Algorithms Can Improve Patient Safety2016-12-15T09:36:39+08:00

Risks to Patient Safety: Calculating Algorithms by Hand


While medical algorithms can be valuable decision support tools, calculating them by hand can bite you. With hand calculations, [...]

Risks to Patient Safety: Calculating Algorithms by Hand2016-12-15T09:47:50+08:00