How Medical Algorithms Can Improve Doctor Patient Communication
I saw it every day while in medical school and residency; attending physicians cowered behind a computer screen, attempting to feverishly click or [...]
Why Don’t Physicians Use Healthcare Algorithms?
Algorithms are used in many fields, such as finance, engineering, and aviation. They are used in healthcare, but the usage is only a [...]
Case Study: Surgical Site Infection: Methods of Prevention & Tools for Predicting Risk
Medical History A 55-year-old white male has degenerative arthritis of the knees. 10 months ago, the patient underwent total knee replacement on the [...]
Early Warning Signs Stroke
According to the Internet Stroke Center each year, 15 million strokes occur around the world, with almost 800,000 in the United States. This [...]
Using Medical Algorithms as Clinical Prediction Tools
Advances in medicine bring new imaging, technologies, medications, and the desire to have better prediction models for clinical outcomes. Physicians, researchers, and other [...]
Do Computers Have to Interfere with Doctor Patient Relationships?
Do Computers Have to Interfere with Doctor Patient Relationships? The relationship between the doctor and patient is at the heart of medicine. Yet [...]
Precision Medicine Initiative & Medical Algorithms: Looking to the Future
First receiving mention a few years ago, precision medicine, has entered the spotlight with a request for $215 million from President Obama to [...]
Medical Calculator App: Top 5 Reasons to Use
1. Instant access to 5000 useful medical calculators covering 40 medical specialties. 2. Most comprehensive reference tool for evidence-based medical calculators: reduce [...]
Case Study: Adenocarcinomas and Their Often Misleading Symptoms
Medical History Jane is a 40-year-old, married mother of two teenage boys. She teaches at the local elementary school and has been in [...]
How to Practice Evidence Based Healthcare in Clinical Settings
As physicians, we recognize the importance of evidence based healthcare. Having evidence to back up our decisions strengthens our assessments and can give us [...]
Fear of Healthcare – 5 Health Phobias that Affect Outcomes
A busy clinician may sometimes forget just how scared a patient can be and may not even know why. There are many reasons [...]
How Can Automated Medical Algorithms Help Physicians?
When faced with a new technology the first thing that many clinicians ask is how it is going to help (or hurt) them. [...]
Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical Algorithms
Your Invitation to the Open Marriage of FHIR, BPM+ Health and Medical Algorithms While open relationships can be problematic, combining the open standards [...]
9 Factors That Can Cause Clinical Algorithm Failure
Although an entomologist can see a certain beauty in the most annoying insect, there is nothing attractive about a computer “bug”. These failures [...]
Got 420? Marijuana Health Risks
More states have legalized marijuana, thereby creating a potentially confusing situation. Local, state and federal laws may differ for medical, recreational and commercial [...]
Warning Signs Head Injury
Warning Signs Head Injury What did Henry the Eighth and Howard Hughes have in common? Both Henry the Eighth and Howard Hughes were [...]
Just in Time Medical Knowledge in a Disposable Society
Historically, medical knowledge has been hard to come by, taking years of study. While this knowledge may be available from many sources it [...]
How to Use Medical Algorithms During Global Disease Outbreaks
One of the most fearful events in medicine and population health is an infectious disease outbreak. From the recent measles outbreak beginning at [...]
Population Health Strategies, Medical Algorithms, and You
Is population health the future of healthcare? Physicians are told population health strategies will solve many of our current problems, providing better care [...]
The Future of Healthcare: Telemedicine, Digital Health, and Medical Calculators
With an estimated 1,000,000 telemedicine consults performed in 2014, the floodgates have opened as digital health startups, established providers, and health insurers move [...]
What is a Medical Algorithm? Medical Algorithm Definition
"Algorithm" is a term that has a long and rich history in mathematics. However, it is a term that may have different meanings [...]
How Physicians Can Expand Their Clinical Knowledge Base
Starting in medical school, students must learn how to quickly and successfully search through thousands of easily accessible research studies to find which [...]
Medical Calculators for Common Skiing Snowboarding Injuries
Every winter, millions of people travel to the mountains to ski, snowboard, and just relax amid the beautiful scenery. With the nearly 10 [...]
How to Reduce Paperwork & Time Needed for Insurance Prior Authorizations
Prior Authorization - Using Medical Algorithms to Increase Likelihood for Coverage Evidence-based medical algorithms can help to streamline processes in physicians’ offices by [...]
Your Knowledge, the Right Tool, a Better Outcome…How Medical Treatment Algorithms are Shaping Modern Physicians
Remember back in the prehistoric days before the Internet? Before Facebook, before Google, before smartphones? When you needed to find medical information, you [...]
Coping with Healthcare Information Overload
What did you do the last time you were stopped at a railroad crossing? Did you even look at the train cars going [...]
Using Algorithms to Assist With Medical Research Studies
Medical research is one of the main reasons why the medical profession as a whole is able to continually refine and advance medical [...]
15 Calculators to Help with Medication Non Compliance
Medication non compliance (nonadherence) with a physician's therapeutic plan is a major problem in healthcare. It can lead to readmissions, increased healthcare costs [...]
Diagnosing Rare Diseases Disorders with Medical Algorithms
Primary care physicians often have the unique task of deciding whether a patient who presents with an uncommon constellation of symptoms warrants a [...]
Fall Prevention in the Elderly and Other Vulnerable Populations
Without gravity there would be no falls. Falls are a major cause of accidental trauma throughout one's life. Often falls are multifactorial. Prevention [...]
Are Cruises Safe? Safety Checks for Holiday Cruising
Winter and the holidays are a time of year when many people living in cold climates dream of taking a cruise. This can [...]
Holiday Stress Management and Medical Issues – Thanksgiving, Christmas
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for many Americans, with an abundance of family, friends, food and football. However, for some people it can [...]
Workplace Risk Factors for Violence in Healthcare
As we recently saw in Las Vegas, there are violent people in the world who are willing to kill and injure others for [...]
Worker Safety and Health During Disaster Recovery
As people try to rebuild their lives after disasters such as Hurricane Harvey, Irma or Martha and the recent earthquakes in Mexico, repair, [...]
Health IT Interoperability and Our Veterans
When I was younger all of my health data was in a folder in my family doctor's office. If I had to go [...]
Health Safety Regulations: OSHA’s Role in Healthcare
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has historically shown a low profile in most healthcare institutions. Employee bulletin boards carry required health [...]
The Many Facets of Chronic Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol use is prevalent in many parts of the world and for some people alcohol misuse and chronic alcohol abuse is a serious [...]
Pharmacogenetics Testing and Drug Effectiveness
Your patient is a middle-aged male from the inner city who is receiving oxycodone for severe, chronic pain. He says that the pain [...]
Much To Do About Tattoos: Tattoo Infections & Other Risks
Last month the FDA updated its Consumer Report "Think Before You Ink" which outlines some of the adverse effects of tattoos. Many people [...]
Medical Automation…Everything But the Squeal
Farmers tend to be frugal. When they slaughter an animal there is very little that goes to waste. Gustavus Swift said that his [...]
Morbid Obesity Treatment – Bariatric Surgery?
Obesity affects many people around the world. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is the fifth leading cause of death globally, with [...]
Tools to Identify and Prevent Yellow Fever Transmission
Yellow fever is one of those scary diseases that most of us have never seen before. Many of us have read about the [...]
OSHA? Oh Shi#! OSHA Health Safety Compliance in Hospitals
Hospital administrators rarely say nice things when faced with an OSHA health safety inspection. OSHA's (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, mission is [...]
How to Improve the Medical Insurance Claims Process
The insurance industry has many facets. In health care its roles range from health care coverage to disability and workman's compensation to liability. [...]
Tools Reduce Hospital Readmissions – Medical Calculators
Life is full of things that cause negative feelings. These feelings need to be discharged, and unfortunately some of us do so in [...]
12 Medical Calculators to Help Achieve Your New Year Resolutions Ideas
It is the New Year and once again it’s time to consider a resolution to clean up your act. The choice of which [...]
Saint Claus is Coming to Town (…or the ER)
Santa Claus is coming to town! If you're like me and still believe in Santa Claus, then this is a special time of [...]
5 Medical Calculators for Exotic Animal Bites and Risk Assessment
Some people are drawn to the exotic or esoteric, including their choice of pets. Exotic pets have become widespread in the United States [...]
5 Medical Assessment Tools for Urgent Care
Cold and flu season is upon us and with the increase in the number of common colds, flu-like illnesses, and actual influenza infections [...]
Disease, Infections, Aids and Stigma
Stigma occurs in most societies, although its triggers and severity may vary based on culture, religion and history. Even in our society--which prides [...]
7 Medical Calculators for Celiac Disease Diagnosis
This case study is presented to highlight how medical calculators can be useful clinical decision making tools for celiac disease diagnosis. Throughout the [...]
The Flu: Decision Tools & CDC Influenza Information
With the turn of the leaves and cooler weather on the horizon, one of the illnesses that comes to the front lines of [...]
Doctor vs. Machine: Health Symptom Checker Apps
We have been comparing man to machine since, well… man made machines. In the past several years, with the advancements in medical technologies, [...]
21 Scores for Comorbid Medical Conditions: Charlson Comorbidity Score & More
Comorbidity (also referred to as polypathology) refers to the number and type of health problems that a patient has. As one would expect, [...]
How to Obtain Health Insurance Prior Authorization in 3 Minutes or Less
Whether you’re a doctor, nurse, or office administrator, it’s likely you have dealt with the time-consuming hassle of obtaining a prior authorization for [...]
Reduce Readmissions with Analytics & CDC Antibiotic Resistance Program
This case study discusses hospital readmissions and provides healthcare professionals with recommended medical algorithms in the form of scores, models, and calculators that [...]
A Hospital with No Beds? Strategy to Improve Hospital Readmission Statistics
It seems counterintuitive at first, a hospital with no beds. However, this is the in which direction healthcare is now heading. In the [...]
Protecting our Blood Supply: How to Prevent a Blood Transfusion Reaction
As Zika virus spreads in North America, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates the blood supply, has proposed that steps be [...]
ACGME Duty Hours – Do Restrictions Affect Training?
There is a common discussion almost yearly that is heard around the country in academic hospitals. Older generations of physicians will often make [...]
Polluted Water Diseases – An Olympic Challenge
One concern during the Rio Olympics was the level of water pollution. It was uncertain if the waters were safe enough to be [...]
The Many Faces of Sepsis (5): Progression from a Community Acquired Infection
Community acquired infection is an important cause of sepsis. While most infections do not result in sepsis, the sheer number of infections patients [...]
Medical Calculators Online for Sports-Related Conditions
Olympic medals, elite athletes, and non-stop television coverage. You can’t turn on the TV, read an article, or scroll through your Facebook news [...]
Medical Algorithms for Back To School Health
With the turn of the calendar to August and department stores putting out the back to school sales, it is important to review [...]
Case Study: Cancer, Sarcoid, or Rose Thorn Infection?
This case study highlights medical calculators and analytics which can be instrumental in a physician’s clinical decision making process, especially when the diagnosis [...]
Many Faces of Sepsis (4): Sepsis Criteria for Vulnerable Patients
Some patients may be more prone to sepsis than others, often because of a defect in their host defenses. It is important to [...]
Online Medical Calculators and Pokemon Go… A Perfect Catch
Depending on your age, you may or may not remember the original Pokemon craze in the United States many years ago. Now, fast-forward [...]
Use of Depression Screening Questions to Help with Diagnosis
It’s no surprise that patients will often defer or deflect from certain topics while talking with their primary care physician. This is usually [...]
Many Faces of Sepsis (3): Obscure Causes Sepsis Infection
Our third article in the series on sepsis, centers on obscure causes that sometimes make sepsis difficult to diagnose. Throughout the discussion, we suggest relevant [...]
July Phenomenon: Overcoming Medical Resident Anxiety
The July phenomenon is something that is discussed every year in teaching hospitals in the United States. With the calendar turning to July [...]
Many Faces of Sepsis (2): Pediatric and Neonatal Sepsis Algorithms
This second article in our series on sepsis, centers on this complex clinical problem in infants and children. Throughout the discussion, we suggest [...]
Summertime Ailments: Patients with Hot Tub Itch, Sunburns & Bites
Preparing for Summer: Using our Medical Algorithms platform to review common situations Summer is approaching. With the warm weather comes the opening of community swimming [...]
Many Faces of Sepsis (1): Cancer Therapy and Management Febrile Neutropenia
The purpose of this case study is to highlight ways in which medical algorithms can be integrated into the clinical decision making process. [...]
How to Identify Listeria Monocytogenes Symptoms, Sources, Risk Factors
Recently, a nationwide recall of frozen food items was instituted as a result of potential bacterial contamination from Listeria monocytogenes. The food items [...]
Improve Outcomes with Surgical Risk Calculator Bundle
At a recent Infection Control meeting, a case was brought up for discussion. It involved a revision (“redo”) orthopedic procedure that was very [...]
Case Study: High School Sports Concussions
High School Sports Concussions Lucy, a 15-year-old female is competing in a karate tournament a few hours from her home. She is a [...]
Case Study: Liver Trouble & Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis NASH
This case study introduces a patient with non alcoholic steatohepatitis and related conditions, along with suggested medical calculators which can help healthcare professionals [...]
Internet of Things Healthcare
Internet of Things - Healthcare Division You may have heard the term, Internet of Things, mentioned in various articles, blogs, or newscasts. For [...]
How Medical Algorithms Can Help with End of Life Issues
Recently the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new CPT codes (99497, 99498) to encourage advance care planning (ACP) discussions with patients [...]
Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis & Spring Allergies With Health Analytics
Spring is here and with a turn of the calendar, warmer temperatures, and outdoor activities, comes the symptoms of sneezing, sniffling, stuffy nose, watery [...]
Case Study: 81-Year-Old Woman with a History of Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia
The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate how medical algorithms can be integrated into the clinical decision making process when a [...]
10 Basic Rules for Clinical Algorithm Development
Keeping an Eye on the Prize: 10 Basic Rules for Clinical Algorithm Development While at the HIMSS16 conference last week in Las Vegas, we were [...]
Case Study: A Teacher With Signs Liver Problems
We present this case study to provide guidance on how best to utilize medical calculators to assist with diagnosis and treatment for this [...]
5 Medical Calculators to Assist Students on Neurology Rotations
For many medical students, learning about neurology and incorporating textbook information into clinical practice can be difficult. Use of medical calculators can help [...]
Case Study: Cold Agglutinin Disease
In this case study, we provide background and discussion on cold agglutinin disease. Throughout the case, we recommend medical algorithms from our knowledge [...]
Aedes Mosquitoes & Zika Virus Infection: What You Need To Know
Recently, a virus transmitted by mosquitoes, known as Zika, has had its first known case diagnosed in the United States. Health officials in [...]
Can Medical Algorithms Help to Reduce Telemedicine Liability?
Telemedicine has come a long way over the past 20 years. Modern technology has made it accessible to an extent undreamt of a [...]
Case Study: Young Male with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Jeff is a 23-year-old male with a history of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Because of their progression and a clinical diagnosis, he was placed on [...]
Utilizing Medical Calculators to Think Like A Doctor
Summary and response to the New York Times Well article: Think Like A Doctor: Thinner We present a succinct overview of the case [...]
Case Study: Female Smoker with Shortness of Breath Symptoms
Case: 48 year old female with shortness of breath symptoms Throughout this case study, we reference relevant medical algorithms that can help physicians [...]
The Ubiquity of Algorithms in Medicine
As algorithms in medicine become more widely accepted--as they now are in other disciplines--they will eventually become ubiquitous. The need for increased efficiency, [...]
Poisonous Holiday Plants & Other Dangers Case Study
The purpose of this case study is to highlight how medical algorithms can be used by physicians to evaluate risk and obtain information [...]
Utilizing Medical Algorithms to Think Like A Doctor: Scurvy Case
Summary and response to the New York Times Well article: Think Like A Doctor: Limping Along We present a succinct overview of the [...]
How Medical Algorithms Are Used in Clinical Trial Design
Clinical trials play an important role in evidence-based medicine. It is necessary to know how a therapy performs under controlled conditions in order [...]
Case Study: e Coli Food Poisoning – Taken Out by a Toxic Taco
This case study focuses on the outbreaks of e coli food poisoning similar to those at the Chipotle Mexican Grill which have been [...]
Utilizing Medical Algorithms to Think Like A Doctor
Summary and response to The New York Times - Well article: "Think Like A Doctor: The Quarterback’s Headache." We present a succinct overview of [...]
Case Study: 45-Year-Old Male with Abdominal Ascites Symptoms
This case study is interpersed with medical algorithms to illustrate how they can be utilized in clinical practice to help physicians obtain quick, [...]
Embracing Disruptive Information Technologies in Healthcare
Some aspects of medicine have not changed very much over the centuries. As new decision support systems become available some of these vestiges [...]
Case Study: An Unlucky Potluck Dinner – Foodborne Illness Outbreak
This case study illustrates how medical algorithms can be successfully integrated into the clinical decision making process to achieve quicker and more accurate [...]
Improving Geriatric Nutritional Assessment with Medical Algorithms
Malnutrition is a known risk factor for early hospital readmission amongst geriatric patients. Identifying and improving the nutritional status of an admitted patient [...]
How Medical Algorithms Can Help Detect a Lyme Disease Tick Bite
Steven, a 17-year-old male, visited his primary care physician with a complaint of facial droop. He first noticed the droop earlier that day [...]
Case Study: How Analytics Aid in Making an Early Leptospirosis Diagnosis
Throughout this case, health analytics are referenced that help physicians make an early leptospirosis diagnosis. Other analytics referenced aid in diagnosis, assessment, and [...]
Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare with Automated Medical Algorithms
In September, 2015, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report titled Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. This report is a follow up [...]
Using Algorithms with Medical CME Courses
While spending a recent weekend at a medical conference, listening to lecturers, looking at the research posters, and earning Continuing Medical Education (CME) [...]
Why MedalPacks? Automated Medical Calculator Collections
A medical algorithm (medical calculator) that is used by itself can solve a specific problem. However, medical algorithms must be used in concert [...]
Case Study: Subcapital Hip Fracture and DVT
Medical History Norma is a 60-year-old obese female with a relatively uncomplicated medical history. She has a great family life, spends plenty of [...]
Five Gastroenterology Calculators for Diagnosis, Prognosis, & Research
Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons for patients to seek medical evaluation. With over 7 million visits per year, primary [...]
5 Ways to Use Cardiology Algorithms for Monitoring & Research
There have been numerous stories over the past several years highlighting how mobile health apps and devices have assisted in the diagnosis and [...]
Getting a Handle on Big Data with Medical Algorithms
Big data is a hot topic now, as massive amounts of data are being collected on everyone. People are asking each other, “Now [...]
7 Medical Algorithms to Use with Apple ResearchKit Apps
“In March, 2015, Apple released an open source software framework designed for medical and health research, helping doctors and scientists gather data more [...]
9 Algorithms for Travel Health Medicine
This time of year finds many of us traveling to far-off destinations. We usually will plan the trip using algorithms such as web-based [...]
How Automated Medical Algorithms Can Improve Patient Safety
GA Miller studied the limits of human cognition. He found that the number of discrete items that a person can handle at any [...]
Congestive Chart Failure and Electronic Health Record Systems
Years ago you could find patient charts on the oncology or transplant service that were a foot thick or more. Clerks placed everything [...]
Can Algorithms Help with Medical Patient Education?
We’re entering a new world of patient-centric healthcare, one in which patients can be better informed, collect endless data related to their condition, [...]
How Algorithms Can Help with ICD 10 Code Lookup
You’ve seen it advertised through medical association emails, heard about it in the doctor’s lounge, and maybe even had some nightmares about it. [...]
How to Use Clinical Decision Support Systems for Prescription Reimbursement
The Affordable Care Act has led to an increase in the number of people with access to the US healthcare system, which in [...]
Risks to Patient Safety: Calculating Algorithms by Hand
While medical algorithms can be valuable decision support tools, calculating them by hand can bite you. With hand calculations, the clinician could be [...]
Wearable Technology Gadgets, Medical Algorithms, & Your Doctor
You probably have seen the commercials, online ads, and numerous tweets, blogs, and posts about the just released Apple watch. This smart watch [...]
Can We Really Trust Accountable Care Organization Models (ACOs)?
Accountable Care Organization models (ACO) are mandated to reform healthcare and to change the way it is delivered. To achieve its goals an [...]
Medical Tools: How to Eliminate Unnecessary Tests
Nearly every physician who has worked in an emergency department will concur with the fact that MRI or CT scans are often ordered [...]
How to Use Decision Support Tools in Medical School
Many changes are taking place in medical school curriculums to reflect shifts in the practice of medicine and evolving student learning habits. With [...]